Harnessing Energy of Senior Citizens

Age Power

Fin Talk

Senior Lady working on handicraft item

Our Vision

To harness the energy of senior citizens in nation building

We have so many people retiring every day – some by choice, some by organization rules where they were serving, some forced by circumstances …. And still many of them have so much of energy and intentions to work further, if given an opportunity.

With the experience that these senior citizens have one must consider ways to harness the energy of these people for the welfare of needy, for serving the nation.

We can do so much, even without any government help, to help the community in which we live in. There are n numbers of voluntary organizations (NGOs as commonly called) – and many of them are doing really good work – they are always in the look out for volunteers. One can join them, after properly assessing their work and their need. Or else one can do it individually or take a lead to form a group to take this further.

The whole idea is not to stay idle, or else besides people forget you or neglect you, it would take its toll on your health and the process to end of life will be difficult.

Senior News


श्याम जी गुप्त प्रणेता, एकल अभियान

आदरणीय विजय भैया!

मैं मंत्र मुग्ध हूँ कि आपने वर्तमान काल की सबसे बड़ी आवश्यकता की मुहिम प्रारम्भ की है। एकल में तो वानप्रस्थी योजना का महत्व गत अनेक वर्षों से चर्चा में है। मुझे पूर्ण विश्वास है कि आपकी मुहिम से वह कल्पना साकार होगी। यदि कोई भी सेवानिवृत पुरुष या महिला दिन में 3-4 घंटे का समय दे सकते हैं तो उनका योगदान इतिहास याद करेगा। अपने केंद्र पर ही कार्यालय के काम की देखभाल से एकल अभियान में एक चमक आ सकती है। और बाकी तो सब काम फ़ोन द्वारा ही अपेक्षित है।

मैं राम जी के चरणों में आपकी मुहिम की सफलता की प्रार्थना कर रहा हूँ।

श्याम जी गुप्त, प्रणेता, एकल अभियान 21-May-2021