Age Power

This “Age Power” section has been started to share your, our reader’s, views on “Harnessing Energy of Senior Citizens In Nation Building”. You may also find your write-up here. Write a piece in 500 to 700 words and send to us.

5 Ways to Develop Positive Attitude, The Key to Happiness, in Senior Citizens

Senior Citizens: Positive Attitude is Key to Happiness

For the life journey to be effective as well as happy, three (3) attributes are often considered crucial: knowledge, skills and attitude. Knowledge is what we get from external sources through information crunching; skill is the ability to apply knowledge in solving real-life problems / issues. To be successful, both these are equally important as knowledge & skills supplement

5 Ways to Develop Positive Attitude, The Key to Happiness, in Senior Citizens Read More »

एक कहानी “बुढ़ापे” की

Story of meeting with old age

उस दिन गाँधी पार्क की बेंच पर मुझे बुढ़ापा मिला। उसके चेहरे पर पड़ी झुर्रियाँ अब मुरझाने लगी थीं, चश्मे की डंडी टूटी हुई थी, बत्तीसी बदलवाने का समय नजदीक था, कुछ याद भी अब कहाँ रहता था, एक दिन तो खाना खाना ही भूल गया। फिर भी ये सबसे प्यार से मिलता, लेकिन इसके

एक कहानी “बुढ़ापे” की Read More »

8 Activities to Generate Happy Hormones for Senior Citizens

8 Activities to Generate Happy Hormones for Senior Citizens

Hormones play an important role in our physical as well as mental well-being. Medically hormones are defined as chemicals produced by glands and these travel across various parts of the body through blood cells as messengers creating various sensations. They impact physical development & growth, metabolism and most importantly cognitive functions & moods. Therefore, hormones

8 Activities to Generate Happy Hormones for Senior Citizens Read More »

Balanced mix of 4 quotients is a must for Senior Citizens to live a happy life

Balanced mix of 4 quotients is a must for Senior Citizens to live a happy life

Word Quotient here means characteristics or degree of prominence in a specific aspect of personality. Human personality is made up of various traits / qualities of varying degrees. Importance of these quotients has often been discussed for youth and professionals for their success in life. However, theses quotients are equally important for elderly people as well. Types

Balanced mix of 4 quotients is a must for Senior Citizens to live a happy life Read More »

‘बुजुर्ग’ हमारे समाज की शान एवं भारत की पहचान हैं

Senior citizens our pride

समाज में बुजुर्गों का स्थान हमेशा से ही सम्मानित रहा है। घर-परिवार से लेकर चैक-चैराहे तक प्रतिदिन यह दृष्य में हमें अनुभव आता है। बस या रेल के डब्बे में कितनी भी भीड़ क्यों न हों किसी बुजुर्ग के आते ही कोई न कोई नौजवान यह कहते हुए कि ‘बाबा आप बैठ जाइए’ अपनी सीट

‘बुजुर्ग’ हमारे समाज की शान एवं भारत की पहचान हैं Read More »

6+ nutrient groups make a balanced diet to have a healthy life for Senior Citizens

6 nutrient groups make a balanced diet to have a healthy life for Senior Citizens

For elderly people, it is extremely crucial to have a healthy as well as balanced diet. Various organs of the body are over-used and some of these start degenerating as age progresses. Hence, a balanced diet, to some extent, helps in preventing or slowing down process of erosion and maintaining a healthy life. At the

6+ nutrient groups make a balanced diet to have a healthy life for Senior Citizens Read More »

उम्र से ही नहीं अनुभवों से भी मालामाल होते हैं बुजुर्ग

उम्र से ही नहीं अनुभवों से भी मालामाल होते हैं बुजुर्ग

अक्सर हाथ पकड़कर सहारा देने वाली ढलती उम्र में बच्चे कभी अंगुली पकड़कर चलना सिखाने वाले मां-बाप को ही बोझ समझने लगते है। जबकि वास्तविकता यह है कि भले शरीर से मां-बाप बूढ़े हो चुके हो किन्तु अनुभवों की सीख में तो मां-बाप साठ के पार भी मालामाल होते हैं। दांत में दर्द होने पर

उम्र से ही नहीं अनुभवों से भी मालामाल होते हैं बुजुर्ग Read More »