Age Power

This “Age Power” section has been started to share your, our reader’s, views on “Harnessing Energy of Senior Citizens In Nation Building”. You may also find your write-up here. Write a piece in 500 to 700 words and send to us.

7 Strategies to Build a Strong Mental Resolve for “Happy and Healthy Aging”

7 Strategies to Build a Strong Mental Resolve for "Happy and Healthy Aging"

We may be “healthy” but still be “not happy”. Healthy state is a “required” but “not sufficient” condition to be happy as the latter is a function of mental construct and attitude. The concept of “happy aging” has in recent times assumed importance as a topic both for scholarly research as well as implementation in

7 Strategies to Build a Strong Mental Resolve for “Happy and Healthy Aging” Read More »

7 Strategies for Managing loneliness and Leading a Happy Life for Senior Citizens

7 Strategies for Managing loneliness and Leading a Happy Life for Senior Citizens

Loneliness is one of the serious problems being faced by people of all ages. Loneliness is one of the serious problems being faced by people of all ages. Loneliness is a perception, psychological feeling of being in isolation, distant from others, being neglected while even in companionship. It often happens when a “substantial gap” exists

7 Strategies for Managing loneliness and Leading a Happy Life for Senior Citizens Read More »

हम रिटायर हो हीं क्यूँ जबकि Age is Just a Number

विशेष कारनामें 60 से 70 की उम्र वालों के

क्या आप जानते हैं कि मानव की सबसे गुणवत्तापूर्ण परिणाम देने वाली आयु कौन सी होती है? किस आयुवर्ग में मनुष्य सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त हो सकता है? बीस से तीस? पच्चीस से पैंतीस? जी नहीं, साठ से सत्तर। जी, सही पढ़ा आपने। 60 से 70 आयुवर्ग के युवा सबसे बेहतर गुणवत्तापूर्ण परिणाम दे सकते हैं। ये

हम रिटायर हो हीं क्यूँ जबकि Age is Just a Number Read More »