Elders are lucky that they are currently living in this technologically driven world where every transaction can happen immediately
Over the last few centuries, technology has had a significant impact on the lives of human beings in all spheres of action. Starting from the industrial revolution, the invention of electricity, and then explosion in internet and communication technology have dramatically changed the way not only the businesses operate but also individuals live and spend time. But for elders it has been a boom. We still remember our parents writing a letter to us when we were young (in 1960s), delivering it at the post office and then waiting for days together to get a reply. We cannot forget our parents spending hours together for a telephone connection to speak to us through distant calling mechanism (popularly known as STD). There was no end to waiting, and consequent “anxiety”.
Elders are lucky that they are currently living in this technologically driven world where every transaction can happen immediately, with touch of the finger and without moving outside the comforts of home. Senior citizen clubs / associations have, therefore, been calling upon the elders to embrace technology in all ways as the benefits are immense and mind boggling. The elders are always urged to be familiar with three facets: “mobile”, “laptop / desktop” and “internet”. With these three (3) things at one’s disposal, one can do wonders.
Advantages of Technology:
Easy Communication:
Gone are the days waiting for communication. Through mobile calling, we can touch base with anybody, anywhere, virtually online anytime almost instantly. If we as seniors have some hearing problems, WhatsApp communications help us to communicate at rapid speed. Language is no barrier as in WhatsApp we can send messages in Indian languages too. If we want to see and talk, video communication comes handy. We can see our children or grandchildren as we see them across from us and can talk. Nobody can replace the intimacy of physical interaction, but the quickness and easiness of communication has been enabled by the advent of technology. One can also send emails to children / grandchildren / friends and keep themselves busy.
Participating / Attending Events / Programs:
This is the biggest boon of technological development. Mobility is an issue with elderly people, and they are sometimes not able to physically attend many of the programs / events as these are taking place at a distance. Say, marriage function of niece of a friend or farewell of a junior in the office outstation or participating in a musical program at a distant location. The advent of technology has made it possible for us to participate in all such events in virtual mode. One can speak, dance, sing, recite a poem, bless someone, hear someone else speaking, all at a distance of hundreds of kilometers and all through technological means. The spread of the pandemic further caused the technological wings to spread through increased prevalence of channels like “Zoom” or “Google Meet” or “Microsoft Teams” and that has worked wonders. Virtual meets have become reality, and they are as meaningful and warm as real physical meets. This has possibly been the biggest gift of technology in recent times for elders for whom mobility is a question mark.
Spending Time Fruitfully:
Many elderly people stay alone, and spending time is a difficult thing for them. Because of physical fragility, walking for a long time is an issue; they cannot read also because of reduced visibility. TV used to be a good companion few years ago. Now the computers are “best friends” of older people. It can cater to all types of needs of elderly. They can listen to musical programs / bhajans / TED talks / any other talks through YouTube. They can spend time playing computer games or participate in online chess competitions. We have seen elderly people spending hours together in online yoga or meditation sessions and this is quite a useful way of passing time. They can search for new information like travel destinations or learning new hobbies like musical instruments, song, etc. For every facility, guide is available in online medium. The elders need to learn the technique of searching and then go into depth.
Building Social Connect:
Socialization is one of the biggest issues with elders. Because of variety of reasons, they develop a tendency to feel lonely and consequent syndrome of staying alone away from others. The only way to come out is to increase social connection. Technology offers a grand way to increase this social connection. One can do so by becoming members of WhatsApp groups of like-minded people, opening Facebook accounts and getting in touch with school / college / office friends and building a community or getting into an online community of similar interest people like religious / travelling groups, etc. and then building social contacts. It goes a long way in removing the sense of loneliness among elderly. Similarly, elders who are good in speaking and want to spread words of their ideas can do so through “YouTube” or “Podcast” or write a “Blog” and then invite others to be part of the same. Sky is the limit for such interactions that go a long way in improving social connectedness.
Technology is indeed a boon for the elderly, and it can help them in several ways to do things they could not have done otherwise. There is a disclaimer here. Elders must, however, keep in mind the negative sides of technology. They must be aware of the cyber security aspects. This is the biggest menace of technology in the modern-day world and elders must take all safeguards to protect their interest. Best way is to get trained from a “younger generation mentor” about the way to go. And they should move slowly. In case of any doubt or clarification, they should immediately get in touch with a knowledgeable person. They should take all precautions not to be trapped in any unhealthy thing of the internet world. If they can keep themselves away from such negative aspects, technology is the biggest gift of the current transformative world, and all the elders must adopt and adapt to it as fast as they can. This is the best way to age gracefully while taking care of the physical limitations of mobility.

Dr A K Sen Gupta is the Co-Founder and Chief Trustee of My Retired Life Foundation (MRLF). This article has been published in Free Press Journal (FPJ) on 9th January 2025, where he is a regular contributor. Dr Sen Gupta was the Director of S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai, and Director & Mentor at SIES College of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai. He was a World Bank Consultant and instrumental in setting up the National Banking College in Ghana, Africa.
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